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Blog about unusual animals and plants

Unusual plants of the world

The dewclaw plant

Drosera is a perennial plant that is considered one of the most interesting representatives of the flora because of its beauty and unusual process of life.

Drosera, like other insectivorous plants, is demanding to the conditions of growth, so there can be difficulties with its home cultivation. But by following the simple recommendations outlined in the article, it is possible to provide the culture with proper care.

Botanical description
Dewdrop is an exotic predatory plant and herbaceous perennial that grows in different parts of the world, from arctic latitudes to the tropics. Its leaf has an average diameter of 1 cm and can be up to 5-7 cm long. The color is soft green or with a pronounced dark red hue. The leaves are crowned with fine hairs. They have drops of sticky secretion on them, attracting insects into a deadly trap. After all, the dewdrop is a predatory plant that gets its food not only from the soil.

It blooms in the spring and summer. During this period, the central leaves emit stems and flowers (see photo). Fruits form in August, looking like small capsules filled with seeds. When ripe, they fall to the ground and open, scattering seeds.

Although the dewdrop is a predatory plant, it does not synthesize sticky droplets throughout its reproductive period. Yes, and the dewy stem with its flower is long enough that any insect can conduct pollination without sticking.

Where it grows

Dewdrop is an exotic plant, but common enough. It can be seen in peat bogs, where it often neighbors with shrubs of the heath family. Its habitat covers all continents except Antarctica.

In the subtropics they grow throughout the year, while in temperate climates they have a distinct dormant period. Australian species have a tuberous thickening under the soil which allows the plant to survive in times of drought.

How and what the dewdrop feeds on
Dewdrop is a predator plant that feeds on insects caught in its trap. The sticky liquid produced by the flower contains the alkaloid conine, which has a paralytic effect. Insects land and the poison begins to take effect, and in 10-20 minutes the leaf completely curdles. The carnivorous shrub then releases digestive enzymes that break down the insect into its simplest substances. The digestion process takes more than one day.

Varieties and photos
Science knows more than 187 species of dewdrop, but few varieties of this predatory plant are popular. As a house flower, it is not often grown. The most famous are the following species:

Round-leaved. Widespread in temperate latitudes. Prefers peat bogs. Blossoms only in summer, the nesting bag is a single nesting box. To survive the winter, forms several buds under a layer of sphagnum moss. Grows to a height of 20 cm.
Capa. Quickly adapts to any conditions. Although dewberry is a perennial predatory plant and sometimes grows all year long, but its height does not exceed 12 cm. It is distinguished by the arrangement of the leaves, placed in a tight rosette, with the inevitable scarlet “tentacle”. The peduncles grow up to 20 cm. The inflorescences are bright pink.
English. Grows to 25 cm. Leaves are arranged in elongated petioles. Occurs in the temperate zone.
Alicia. A subtropical species found in southern Africa. Features sensitive hairy leaves.
Burmana. Found in Southeast Asia and Australia. It has a short stem, dense root rosette, and flowers with the ability to self-pollinate. Able to devour prey in seconds, leaving only softened chitin.
Peculiarities of home care

Dewdrop is the only predatory plant, the cultivation of which can be recommended to beginners, largely because of its unpretentiousness. However, we recommend observing temperature and light requirements.

The culture does not like when direct sunlight falls on it, but, despite this, it needs a lot of light. It is desirable to place the pot on a window sill, where the light will be diffused. In winter, the light day should be at least 8 hours, and in summer it should last about 14 hours. Therefore, in cold months, it is recommended to choose a window located on the southern side of the house. And during the active growth phase, windows facing west or east will do better.

In summer, the dewberry can be put out into the fresh air, having previously equipped an area where it will be protected from direct sunlight.

Temperature regime
The air temperature in the room where the pot with the plant is located should fluctuate around +18 … +23 ° C. However, some species may prefer a different temperature – it is better to consult before buying. The main condition – in the dormancy period, the temperature should not exceed +14 ° C.

Humidity and watering
Dewdrop is a plant that does not require moisture. Even in summer, it is enough to water once every three days. In winter, watering is required once a week. It is important to monitor the substrate – its middle part should always be moist. When watering, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil.